CEPAL Review no.31

Note by the Secretariat. International colloquium on new directions for development planning in market economies. Opening addresses: Address by Mr. Norberto González, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). -- Address by Mr. César Miquel, Chief, Di...

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Publicado: ECLAC 2015
Acceso en línea:http://hdl.handle.net/11362/38054
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Sumario:Note by the Secretariat. International colloquium on new directions for development planning in market economies. Opening addresses: Address by Mr. Norberto González, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). -- Address by Mr. César Miquel, Chief, Division for the Regional Programme and the English speaking Caribbean countries United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). -- Address by Mr. A lfred o Costa-F ilho, Director-General, Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning (ILPES), -- Planning for a fresh social and economic dynamic. Latin American and Caribbean Institute for Economic and Social Planning. -- New directions in planning: an interpretative balance / Eduardo García D ‘Acuña. -- A note on new directions in planning / Brian Van Arkadie. -- The need for multiple perspectives in planning / Harold A. Linstone.-- Planning in mixed market economies and the paradigms of development: problems and options / Rene Villarreal. -- Macroeconomic models and planning in the context of an uncertain future: the French experience / Paul Dubois. -- Long-range development planning. Notes on its substance and methodology / Lars Ingelstam . -- Beyond indicative planning / Stuart Holland. -- Planning Today / Yoshihiro Kogane. -- Governability, participation and social aspects of planning / Yehezkel Dror. -- Agents of 'development’ / Marshall Wolfe. -- The State, decision-making and planning in Latin America / Carlos A. de Mattos. -- Decentralization and regional development in Latin America today / Sergio Boisier. -- Planning and the market during the next ten years in Latin America / Joseph Ramos. -- Planning and government / Carlos Matus. -- New technological frontiers of management in Latin America / Bernardo Kliksberg . -- The validity of the St a te-as-planner in the current crisis / Adolfo Gurrieri. -- The role of the State in Latin America’s strategic options / Christian Anglade and Carlos Fortin.