Metodologías de estandarización del trabajo, diseño antropométrico y 8Ds como estrategia de mejora de procesos de manufactura: estudios de caso

This document presents two case studies that apply Industrial Engineering tools such as standardization of work, study of times and movements, line balancing, anthropometric design of workstations, and the 8 Disciplines (8Ds) method. The first four tools are applied in a printing press in order to i...

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Autor principal: Realyvásquez Vargas, Arturo
Otros Autores: Jiménez Macías, Emilio (Universidad de La Rioja)
Formato: text (thesis)
Publicado: Universidad de La Rioja (España) 2020
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Sumario:This document presents two case studies that apply Industrial Engineering tools such as standardization of work, study of times and movements, line balancing, anthropometric design of workstations, and the 8 Disciplines (8Ds) method. The first four tools are applied in a printing press in order to increase productivity and optimize the well-being of workers. On the other hand, the 8Ds method is applied in a manufacturing company in order to reduce the number of engine defects. In the specific case of the printing press, it has 150 operators, who have manual and mechanical tasks in the box assembly department with four production lines. The current capacity is 350 boxes per day, but the demand is 650 units and the company has to pay a lot of overtime. Using the standardization of work, studying the movements of workers, time, and redesign of workstations, the main objective was to increase rates of productivity and well-being of workers. After applying those tools, inefficient movements in operators decreased from 230 to 78, eliminating 66% of unnecessary movements, standard time at a workstation decreased from 244 to 199 seconds (18.44%) for each assembled box, and the production rate increased by 63.2%, that is, 229 units per assembly line per day, and overtime was reduced to zero. Therefore, the integration of standardized work, the study of times and movements, the balancing of production lines, and anthropometric design, allow increasing the sustainability of the company and the well-being of operators by making better use of the human factor, eliminating overtime and increasing production capacity. On the other hand, in the case of engine defects, it is known that, currently, customer satisfaction is a key element for the survival and competitiveness of manufacturing companies. In the case discussed in this research, the company files several customer complaints due to faulty custom cable assemblies that are integrated into one motor. The objective of this case study is to find a solution to this problem, as well as to prevent its recurrence by implementing the 8Ds method to: 1) Develop a team, 2) Describe the problem, 3) Develop an interim containment action , 4) Determine and verify root causes, 5) Develop permanent corrective actions, 6) Define and implement corrective actions, 7) Prevent recurrences, and 8) Recognize and congratulate teamwork and individual contributions. Therefore, a software tool is proposed to perform a bump test on assembly lines. After testing, the problem was successfully detected andreduced , since of 67 engines that were identified as having problems, 51 were redesigned before being shipped to customers, reducing the number of defective products by 75%, while the remaining 16 engines were replaced by new engines. In conclusion, the research objective was achieved, as well as the 8Ds method proved to be a useful model to increase employee motivation and participation during the problem solving process.