Text on the historical periods, are important sources that shed light on the history of a nation. These resources, regardless of the area, the nation’s culture, history, or civilizations bear traces of the language. Works of past eras are merits, both in terms of issues, both in terms of specifying...

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Autor principal: Burak TELLİ
Formato: article
Publicado: Fırat University 2019
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Sumario:Text on the historical periods, are important sources that shed light on the history of a nation. These resources, regardless of the area, the nation’s culture, history, or civilizations bear traces of the language. Works of past eras are merits, both in terms of issues, both in terms of specifying the language features of the period that they were written. In this regard, every piece of work belonging to the historical period, have to be a examined. Medical texts, starting with the Uighurs during the later Old Anatolian Turkish and are important sources continue to give examples in Anatolia in Ottoman Turkish. One of these resources belong to the 19th century is "Kenzü’s-Sıhhatü’l-Ebdâniyye". Our research continues on this text as doctoral thesis. There are two copies of the work that has been detected. One of the manuscripts with registration number 508 located in National Library Manuscripts department. Other printed copy located in the Süleymaniye Library Kasidec Zain and registration number is 458. In this study, about the content of the work in question, language features, and information about the author will be given. Studies that have been made on the work of the author and other works will be explained shortly. In addition, by quoting from the text, a better understanding of the characteristics of the work will be provided, and a few photos of the original pages from both copies will be given at the end of the study.