NOD1/2 and the C-Type Lectin Receptors Dectin-1 and Mincle Synergistically Enhance Proinflammatory Reactions Both In Vitro and In Vivo

Amir I Tukhvatulin, Alina S Dzharullaeva, Alina S Erokhova, Dmitry V Scheblyakov, Boris S Naroditsky, Alexander L Gintsburg, Denis Y Logunov N. F. Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow, RussiaCorrespondence: Amir I Tukhvatulin Gamaleya Str.18, Moscow 123098, Rus...

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Autores principales: Tukhvatulin AI, Dzharullaeva AS, Erokhova AS, Scheblyakov DV, Naroditsky BS, Gintsburg AL, Logunov DY
Formato: article
Publicado: Dove Medical Press 2020
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