Modeling the parameters of the sustainable development policy of territorial natural and economic systems

Relevance of the research topic. The relevance of the reform of the territorial system in Ukraine was due to the fact that the administrative-territorial system in the country did not meet the requirements of transformational processes and to some extent it was an obstacle to transformations in the...

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Autores principales: Lidiia Horoshkova, Іevhen Khlobystov
Formato: article
Publicado: Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav 2021
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Sumario:Relevance of the research topic. The relevance of the reform of the territorial system in Ukraine was due to the fact that the administrative-territorial system in the country did not meet the requirements of transformational processes and to some extent it was an obstacle to transformations in the state, limiting the possibility of effective regional policies, and, as a result, restrained the development of as territories, So the state is generally. Formulation of the problem. One of the main tasks of administrative-territorial reform in the subregional level is to ensure the stability of natural and economic systems. Decentralization should solve the problem of low level of organization of government at the local level, ineffective management of social development, existing disproportions and inequalities at the regional level. Therefore, there is a need for methodological substantiation of the process and conditions for ensuring the stability of territories and the effective use of their natural resource and socio-economic potential as the basis of sustainable development of the national economy. Analysis of recent research and publications. Modern aspects of solving the problems of decentralization and reforming the administrative-territorial system in the country are such scientists as Pavlyuk A.P., Oliynyk D.I., Batalov O.A., Datsko O.I., Murkovych L.L., Molodozhen Yu.B., etc. [1-4]. The results of our own research on the problem are given in [5-11]. Selection of unexplored parts of the general problem. Since the issue of sustainable development of the country and its territories remains, there is a need to develop methodological principles for assessing the level of sustainability of natural and economic systems as the basis of sustainable, balanced development of territories and the country in general and the formation of conceptual principles of relevant policy. Problem statement, research goals. The above circumstances are due to the expediency of determining the levers, mechanisms and construction on their basis of the model of sustainable development policy of territories at the present stage of reforming the administrative-territorial system of the country. Method and methodology of research. In the process of conducting research, general scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analytical grouping) and special (abstraction, modeling, etc.) methods of studying economic phenomena and processes were used. Presentation of the main material (results of work). The study was conducted to study the dynamics and efficiency of reforming the administrative-territorial system at the basic level. The level of efficiency of the reforms carried out for the criterion of the achievement of the resistance of such a system is settled. The level of stability is preferably evaluated as follows: the resulting indicator indicating the stability - development expenditures (capital expenditures), and the factors of influence - its own resources and subsequent intergovernmental transfers: basic / reverse subsidies, educational and infrastructure subvention. The developed method was used to assess the stability of natural and economic systems of the regional level for two regions - Zaporozhye and Kherson. The obtained results indicate that in the first stage of decentralization, as expected in the construction of politician models, the policy of proportional economic stabilization with the relevant demand for capital expenditures was applied in both regions. This is evidenced by almost the same value of the share of capital expenditures per person from the magnitude of its own income per person - at 33%. The models of stabilization policy are constructed, which will ensure sustainable development of territories at the current stage of decentralization, which employs the baseline level. It is proved that in order to ensure the stability of the territories (at the level of the region or district) in the long-term perception, it is expedient to use the following types of policies (depending on the reform phase) regarding capital expenditures: a policy of proportional economic stabilization with relevant capital investment demand (capital expenditures) and the policy of differential stabilization, in which the regulation of capital expenditures is due to the rate of financial resources (ie, a derivative) is used. The simulation of the third option is also conducted when there is a shortage of financial resources for the development of territories requiring integral stabilization policy when capital expenditures (capital expenditures) are proportional to the magnitude of the financial resource deficit. Conclusions. The study of the dynamics of interconnection between capital expenditures on one person and its own incomes per person with the use of scattering diagrams and the function of mutual correlation on the example of the Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions of Ukraine was conducted. The presence of appropriate correlation dependencies is established. The study of the dynamics of interconnection between capital expenditures on one person and an infrastructure subvention per person using the scattering diagrams and the function of mutual correlation on the example of the Zaporizhzhya and Kherson regions of Ukraine were conducted. The presence of appropriate correlation dependencies is established. The existence of joint trends for areas with different relation rates in the first stage of reforming at the baseline level has been proved. On the basis of the data obtained, the method of assessing the level of stability of natural and economic systems of the territorial level is proposed, in which the resulting indicator is proposed to consider capital expenditures (development expenditures) per person, and factors influencing its own income one person and an infrastructure subvention per person. The models of stabilization policy are constructed, which will ensure sustainable development of territories at the current stage of decentralization, which employs the baseline level. It is proved that in order to ensure the stability of the territories (at the level of the region or district) in the long-term perception, it is expedient to use the following types of policies (depending on the reform phase) regarding capital expenditures: a policy of proportional economic stabilization with relevant capital investment demand (capital expenditures) and the policy of differential stabilization, in which the regulation of capital expenditures is due to the rate of financial resources (ie, a derivative) is used. The simulation of the third option is also conducted when there is a shortage of financial resources for the development of territories requiring integral stabilization policy when capital expenditures (capital expenditures) are proportional to the magnitude of the financial resource deficit. It is proved that the success of further reforms in the country may be provided at the present stage by transition from a policy of proportional economic element to a differential stabilization policy.