FIQH PERKAWINAN BEDA AGAMA DI INDONESIA: Kajian atas Fatwa-Fatwa NU, MUI dan Muhammadiyyah (INDONESIAN FIQH OF INTERFAITH MARRIAGE: Study on the NU, MUI, and Muhammadiyyah Fatwas)

Interfaith marriages are a classic example of a legal question that has yet to be resolved. There are several points of contention in it, ranging from how to define the term scribes to their legal standing. The purpose of this paper is to describe how the fatwas of NU, MUI, and Muhammadiyyah reinter...

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Autor principal: Ali Mutakin
Formato: article
Publicado: Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta 2021
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Sumario:Interfaith marriages are a classic example of a legal question that has yet to be resolved. There are several points of contention in it, ranging from how to define the term scribes to their legal standing. The purpose of this paper is to describe how the fatwas of NU, MUI, and Muhammadiyyah reinterpret mixed marriages. A descriptive-analytical method with a qualitative approach is used in this investigation. The research data is collated and described for further analysis using existing ideas, after which conclusions are drawn. This analysis demonstrates that NU's qaulī technique, MUI's maṣlaha mursala method, and Muhammadiyyah's sadd al-żarī'a method all strongly establish that interfaith marriage is prohibited, regardless of its form. Perkawinan beda agama, merupakan persoalan klasik yang hingga saat ini belum disepakati status hukumnya. Di dalamnya terdapat perbedaan pendapat, mulai dari memaknai istilah ahli kitab hingga status hukumnya. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan reinterpretasi tentang perkawinan beda agama yang termuat dalam fatwa-fatwa NU, MUI dan Muhammadiyyah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif-analitis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian disusun serta dijelaskan untuk selanjutnya dianalisa berdasarkan teori yang ada kemudian ditarik kesimpulan. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa NU melalui metode qauli, MUI melalui maṣlahah mursalah dan Muhammadiyyah melalui metode sadd al-żari’ah dengan tegas menfatwakan bahwa apapun jenisnya, perkawinan beda agama dilarang oleh.