Tratamiento endovascular del trauma de aorta descendente

Background: Mortality of traumatic aortic lesions is over 80%. A group of those who survive, develop a chronic pseudo aneurism, usually asymptomatic, that is detected during imaging studies. Since conventional surgical treatment of traumatic aortic lesions has a great mortality, endovascular treatme...

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Autores principales: Mertens M,Renato, Valdés E,Francisco, Krämer Sch,Albrecht, Bergoeing R,Michel, Zalaquett S,Ricardo, Baeza P,Cristián, Morán V,Sergio, Irarrázaval L,Manuel, Becker R,Pedro, Huete G,Alvaro, Vergara G,Jeannette, Valdebenito G,Magaly
Lenguaje:Spanish / Castilian
Publicado: Sociedad Médica de Santiago 2005
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