Tratamiento endovascular de la disección aórtica tipo B mediante endoprótesis

Background: Dissections that involve the ascending aorta are classified as type A, regardless of the site of the primary intimal tear, and all other dissections as type B. Type B dissections can have fatal ischemic and hemorrhagic complications. In the chronic state, dilatation and rupture can be mo...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Mertens M,Renato, Arriagada J,Ivette, Valdés E,Francisco, Krämer Sch,Albrecht, Mariné M,Leopoldo, Bergoeing R,Michel, Braun J,Sandra, Godoy J,Iván, Córdova A,Samuel, Huete G,Alvaro, Vergara G,Jeannette, Carvajal N,Claudia
Lenguaje:Spanish / Castilian
Publicado: Sociedad Médica de Santiago 2008
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